Lewis Hine

Sebastião Salgado

Sebastião Salgado (February 8th 1944) is a Brazilian social documentary photographer. I was first recommended him by a friend who shares my interest in natural history photography. I was in awe of his ability to capture so much life in black and white, and to also use his editing to enhance his photos with great sophistication and to stay truthful to it’s content. He manages to obtain what we see, the small details in which tiny specks of moonlight pick up on, but cannot transfer to photos.

His photos which he took in a Brazilian goldmine, Serra Pelada, are such powerful images due to the sheer mass of activity occurring, it is no wonder that they are his most famous works. Trained as an economist and reformed photographer, he is also a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and is currently restoring a small part of the Atlantic Forest.

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